Eternal May (London)
7:00 PM19:00

Eternal May (London)

We are honoured to open the new “Eternal” concert series this May! On this occasion we will reprise our sold-out tribute to the trobairitz, interlacing Armenian, Greek, Roman, French, and Corsican music to capture the spiritual heart of medieval Occitania. Book your tickets here:

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Corse-Occitanie Médiévales (Pigna, Corsica)
6:30 PM18:30

Corse-Occitanie Médiévales (Pigna, Corsica)

Après leur extermination, et l’appropriation de leurs terres, les Cathares d’Occitanie trouvèrent refuge en Corse. C’est le dernier chapitre méconnu de la croisade Albigeoise, qui lie le destin des Corses et des Occitans au sein du continuum colonial Français. Les chjam’ è rispondi résonnent avec la sensibilité dialogique des troubadours et leur partimen. De même, on trouve une affinité entre planh et voceru, ou l’esthétique sacro-profane des mélodies troubadours et de la paghiella.

Notre programme pour Pigna est donc centré sur le chant Corse et les trobairitz, femmes de l’Occitanie médiévale dont la musique est presque entièrement perdue. Leurs chants nous parlent d’amour et d’altérité, d’une société plurielle, d’un peuple tourné vers la Grèce et l’Orient. La croisade Albigeoise effacera cette culture singulière, et encore aujourd’hui ce répertoire souffre d’une approche figée dans les croyances et pratiques institutionnelles du XIXe siècle. Nous voulons aussi inclure le chant vieux-romain, rare témoin d’une tradition orale particulièrement ornée datant de l’antiquité tardive. Il est un socle important à la compréhension des traditions sacrées et séculaires d’Occitanie et de Corse. Ce chant nous amène à l’aube d’un Christianisme encore pétri d’influences multiples qui est en résonance avec les sensibilités Cathare et Corse.

En trouvant des formules, principes d’intonation et d’ornementation dans le chant vieux-romain, les traditions Corses et les traités médiévaux, nous voulons développer une approche en accord avec l’identité de l’Occitanie médiévale, et mettre ces régions en dialogue.

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The Art of Polyphony (London)
6:30 PM18:30

The Art of Polyphony (London)

Over a thousand years ago, polyphonic singing began to be codified and eventually written down. This scintillating weaving of voices became known by the Greek word “polyphony” - literally “many sounds”. In churches and cathedrals, this “ars organisandi”, the art of organising sounds together, enthralled and mesmerised.

In this concert, the world-class Idrîsî Ensemble invites you on a journey from never-before-recorded 5th century Old Roman chant, right through to living UNESCO-protected Corsican polyphonies.

Experience the transcendent power of unaccompanied voices, as sung by the extraordinary Idrîsî Ensemble. Combining the latest scholarship in medieval musicology with raw and vibrant performances, this groundbreaking collective of folk, jazz, soul, and classical singers is causing a storm in the early music scene. With recent acclaimed performances in Durham Cathedral and Corsica, this unique evening is not to be missed! Doors open at 6:30pm and the concert begins at 7pm.

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Trobairitz (Durham)
7:30 PM19:30

Trobairitz (Durham)

Merging sound installation, cutting-edge research, ancient Mediterranean traditions and experimental song, this is a concert like no other. Young London-based Idrîsî Ensemble brings together instrumentalists from around the world, jazz, rock and traditional music singers, calligraphers, composers, sound artists and medieval music specialists. Together they give voice to female troubadours, also called trobairitz, a neglected tradition on the fringe of medieval Christendom.

Idrîsî has developed a stunningly ornate and microtonal form of singing for this beautiful ancient repertoire, rigorously based on medieval treatises, pre-Gregorian and Mediterranean traditions. This will be an entrancing, ear-opening evening – prepare to be astonished and seduced.

Presented in association with Durham Vocal Festival.

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Singer & Scribe (London)
5:00 PM17:00

Singer & Scribe (London)

Idrîsî Ensemble explores medieval textuality and orality in a unique program of rare, endangered and never-recorded music. Old Roman chant, early polyphony, troubadour song, Corsican, Greek, and Algerian traditions intersect and offer the vision of a shared Mediterranean heritage. Idrîsî chorus and instrumentalists (vielle, qanun, ney, portative organ) journey across a millennium, from the 4th to the 14th century. Navigating the dynamic between singer and scribe, they explore new frontiers in the performance of identity.

Doors open at 5pm and the concert begins at 5.30pm

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